Welcome to MyPulse professional and technical information. Safe IndependentDependableSecure A computer-powered wireless ultra-intelligent real-time vital signs monitor.
sensorSHORT RANGE: Small area activity. LONG RANGE: Walk around house and garden Matching short range or long range receiver and USB for serial portUltra intelligent computer display and remote response systemsoftware Adjustable chest strap heart rate sensor/transmitter communicates wirelessly with your computer. Light weight. Comfortable. Water proof. Safe. Ultra intelligent. 2500 hours. Alarm: Progressive sound, color, print/fax/email and caller ID phone alert. Automatically calibrates to child, adult, male & female norms. Automatically adjusts to individual personal characteristics. Computer will make phone calls. No batteries to change. Patent number 6897773
Examples of clearly labelled and easy to read charts that it creates are pulse (heart rate) and oxygen saturation charts. If it detects abnormal or unusual values on the pulse and/or oxygen saturation charts, or if the monitor is removed, disconnected or travels outside a predetermined range, it will automatically create sound and color alarms that are audible and visible from a distance. A persistent abnormal condition will lead to automatic pager/beeper or phone notification. The progressive graduated alarm system provides early rather than late warning. Up to date charts may be viewed via the internet and emailed and/or faxed to a medical professional. It is easy to use and ideal for supervised exercise at a medical establishment, gymnasium or at home. Due to very low frequency {5kHz} and short range {3feet}, interference with other hospital equipment is easily avoided. The short range wireless monitor is perfect for small area activities. The long range wireless monitor gives an adult freedom to walk around in the house or do some gardening, go shopping, or go on a picnic. Data are archived for historical review of cardiac rehabilitation, and spectral analysis of any desired transformation of any segment of 24 hour beat to beat and inter-beat heart rate data.

Time series analysis may be applied to biomedical data. The data in the charts below are two examples, obtained in real time from a pulse oximeter. The information provided below, including the charts, a training test, case study, and computer software are intended for educational use.

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CASE STUDY: Common cause Special cause Biomedical Charts

Download and install Educational Software. After installing the software click on the program's main menu CUSTOMIZE and make the appropriate selections, then click on COMMUNICATIONS/Monitor.

Time series analysis has many applications. How it is applied, depends very much on the particular application. The following information is intended as a guide to biomedical process control applications. Process control by a simple control chart of a process variable, is based on the assumption that process measurements result in a sequence of numbers that are unrelated to each other. Biomedical vital signs data are not unrelated. They are correlated (systematic). Also, the correlation may be varying due to the effect of healing or due to failing health. These systematic effects are called common cause internal biological effects. In addition to these systematic effects, the data will contain unsystematic random one of a kind special effects. These may be due to irregular heart beat, a loud sound, a bright light, temporary mental or physical exertion, etc. These are called special cause external environmental effects. The common cause effects are normally confounded with the special cause effects. This makes it difficult to analyze internal biological vital signs. The result is unnecessary medical intervention (false positives), misdirection and possible harmful over medication in some cases, and real problems being overlooked in other cases (false negatives).

The objective of time series model based biomedical process control is to separate the data into two components namely the common cause internal biological effects and the special cause external environmental effects. These two components are plotted on separate charts. This makes it possible to better understand the health data. Time domain time series models are limited in their ability to represent periodic (cyclical) components in the data. The moving window spectral antithetic time series model is a frequency domain approach. It is an extension of the time series concept, to a generalized automatic system which further decomposes the process variable into trend, periodic components and residuals. However, the main objective of this information, and the test that follows is a critical examination of the way in which we view this application, and in general, the role of time series analysis common cause charts and special cause charts.

Summary of suggested rules for implementing a biomedical charting plan

ASSUMPTION: Biomedical data are made up of a common cause internal biological component and a special cause external environmental component. Each component is plotted on its own chart. The charts are marked with upper and lower medical standard values, depending on age and sex, for a normal healthy person. Since standard upper and lower limits assume that one size fits all persons within an age and sex classification, a second set of charts are plotted in terms of standard deviations. These are marked with upper and lower 3(for example) standard deviation control limits. Once the common cause component is separated from the special cause component, the standard deviation for the special cause chart is reduced, the width of the 3 standard deviation limits narrows, and the chart becomes more discriminating. The common cause and special cause charts are continuously updated and made available to medical personnel, who:

1. Examine the special cause charts.
If any plotted data point falls outside the control limits, investigate the cause. Since the data on this chart are independent, consider special one of a kind causes, such as temporary mental or physical exertion, or known medical intervention. Something that will not necessarily happen again, or happen in the same way.

2. Examine the common cause charts.
If any plotted data point falls outside the control limits, investigate the cause. If there is a recognizable pattern, attempt to associate the pattern with its probable cause.

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This review is designed to determine how well you understand the application of time series analysis to biomedical data. When you are satisfied that you have answered the questions correctly, you are ready to use the computer software program. Please feel free to use this self-evaluation test as often as you like. In order to receive anonymous feedback, click on the score button at the end of the test.

Answer each of the following multiple choice review questions by
selecting the response which is most immediately appropriate.

1. MyPulse is a computer program that may be used for

    Time series analysis
    Time series analysis & charting

2. MyPulse is a computer program that may be used for

    Model based biomedical process control
    Interpretation of special cause charts
    Interpretation of common cause charts

3. MyPulse is a computer program that may be used to analyze historical data by examining

    The quality of health care delivery
    Measurements obtained for a biomedical variable
    Emergency room patient arrival rates

4. Typical biomedical vital sign measurements are comprised of

    Purely random unexplainable ups and downs
    A combination of random unexplainable and systematic explainable components
    100% completely explainable changes.

5. When a series of measurements shows a systematic pattern, this should be interpreted as

    Due to a special cause
    Due to medical intervention
    Due to residual values
    Due to a common cause

6. A 3 standard deviation limit of the special cause chart has been breached. This should be interpreted as

    Due to a common cause
    Due to failing health
    Due to a one of kind cause
    None of the above

7. A 3 standard deviation limit of the common cause chart has been breached. This is best interpreted as

    Faulty air conditioning
    A patient standing up
    Patient error
    Possible failing health to be investigated further

8. The use of a single biomedical chart only, can

    Lower the chances of a false alarm, misdirection and over medication
    Raise the chances of false alarms & real problems overlooked
    Lower the chances of a problem being overlooked
    None of the above

9. Splitting the biomedical chart into common and special cause charts

    Reduces the size of the 3 standard deviation limits
    Increases the number of alarms
    Reduces the number of data points

10. Applying a biomedical dual chart system can

    a. Lower the chance of overlooking ill health
    b. Lower the chance of unnecessary medical intervention
    c. a and b
    d. Reduce the number 3 standard deviation limits

11. Splitting the biomedical chart into common and special cause charts

    Increases the size of 3 the standard deviation limits
    Reduces the number of false negatives
    Increases the number of data points

12. The frequency domain model used by a computer program is

    A time domain time series model
    Very important when the data contains periodic components
    Based on the special cause chart
    Based on the common cause chart
    Based on 3 standard deviation upper and lower control limits

13. The moving window spectral antithetic time series model is

    A quality control device
    A time domain model
    A frequency domain model
    Based on the chart of residuals

14. Sound, color, telephone, print alarms in conjuction with emailed, faxed and printed charts

    Perform a diagnosis
    Cure illnesses
    Serve only nurses and physicians who analysis the data